Guest: Katherine Benfante

Episode Name: From  Hybrid Publishing  to Beta Readers with  Katherine Benfante [NANOWRIMO Day 29]

Episode Number: 232


About the guest

Katherine Benfante always felt destined to be an author, navigating various career aspirations in her youth before discovering her passion for storytelling. She holds a degree in mechanical engineering from McGill University in Montreal and worked proudly as an engineer for the Army and Navy. Despite a busy life raising two daughters and substitute teaching, Katherine continued to write, driven by a love for storytelling and a desire to inspire her children. Now based in New Jersey, she balances her roles as a mother, substitute teacher, and author, residing near a picturesque lake frequented by swans and Canadian geese.


In this insightful episode, author Katherine Benfante discusses her experience with hybrid publishing, delving into the trade-offs, editing process, and collaborative cover design for her book "Scattered." She shares the positive impact of beta readers on her writing journey and reflects on post-publishing nerves, ultimately finding validation and confidence in reader feedback. Katherine also provides a glimpse into her upcoming science fiction novel set in 2180 and encourages listeners to explore her website for extras. The episode emphasizes the importance of supporting local bookshops and concludes with gratitude from both host and author for the engaging discussion on the writing and publishing process.


Additional Resources

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Massiel Email - [email protected]

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