In this episode we talk about how Ray's model for organizational transformation has evolved over time. Ray sees himself as an explorer. This show is his “report back” about what he has learned about organizational transformation on the frontiers. Listen in today to find out about the history of how Ray went about discovering the elements and key aspects of the nature of the process of transformational change. 

Today, on the show, Ray shares some teachings and some stories from the many years that he spent developing his model. We explore the difference between organizational transformation and organizational development. When Ray realized the fundamental difference he shifted his consulting practice to focusing on deep, long-term change. Listen in today as Ray explains.

Show highlights:

How Ray discovered the model that he uses in all of his work with Genysys clients for transformation. The nature of organizational change. The difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Ray explains his vision. Ray was asked at one point if vision-based change could also relate to corporations. Working with a Biotech firm that had lost its vision. Developing a vision for the future. Discovering other elements that also related to his vision. Working with a friend who was using an assessment that he developed, called 'The Job Person-Environment'. How a vision can drive long-range plans. Realizing that the place to begin the process was also where the opportunity for change lay. The importance of collaboration. Why transformational change differs from organizational effectiveness change. A quick summary of the eight elements of Ray's organizational model. There were initially only five elements to Ray's organizational model.  How a leadership development program that Ray was asked to develop for a bank became a clarifying process for him, in terms of kinds of leadership and change.  The three different kinds of leadership. Why transformational leadership is the most difficult kind of leadership. What generative leadership brings about in an organization. What makes up the sufficiency of catalytic, transformational and generative leadership. The time that it takes to transform an organization. A book that made a big impact on Ray- Deep Change by Robert Quinn. Ray has an assessment called The Readiness For Change. You can take the assessment and work together with him to increase your readiness for change for the process.


The Genysys Group Change Readiness Assessment


In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters

Deep Change by Robert Quinn