#92 _Living gracefully is so much easier when you are succeeding and everything is going well in your life. 

It can be a little challenging when you hit some bumps. 

And it is damn near impossible when you have failed. 

I won’t sugar coat it; failure sucks! 

The emotions and the feelings of worthlessness, self-pity, heartbreak - they are all real, and they are valid. 

But as hard as it is to believe at the moment, it can be, and often is, a wonderful opportunity to grow and succeed.

I’ve failed. I have failed big time. Most everyone has. And if it has happened to you, and you are currently licking your wounds, it is my hope that the words you are about to hear will soothe you. 

Stephan Brezinsky is an entrepreneur who has failed a few times and used the rubble as stepping stones to create his now successful media and marketing business. 

This is his story of loss to triumph. He talks about the messy middle and honestly answers my questions about the emotions, the aftermath, and how and why he got up and kept going. 

If you have comments or questions or if Stephan can help you with anything, please feel free to contact him.

You can find his contact information, and access or share this episode, in the show notes:


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