This is an exciting series on building mesmerizing workplace cultures. There is no greater competitive advantage than having happy and mentally-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and the world.

In this episode, we have with us, Sumit Gupta. Sumit has created two for-profit companies, and one non-profit organization; he has spent his last 20 years designing software. He has a passion for photography, which he's been doing for about eight years, taking breathtaking photos. He also coached profit and non-profit founders, including a leader at the UN, and many top business leaders.

Sumit shares wise insights about dealing with fear and shifting how we see it. Listen in now and learn ways on how to deal with the pressures of constant uncertainty and many more brilliant principles!


“Leadership is a skill. It is not about introversion or extroversion. And I think there are certain skills which are required for you as a leader, but which can be learned or which can be practiced irrespective of your personality style.” - Sumit Gupta

"What I am realizing now is that confidence is an outcome of doing something repeatedly, not a prerequisite.” - Sumit Gupta

"Emotions are meant to be felt not to be analytically judged, or solved, or labeled even as positive or negative." - Sumit Gupta



Show Notes:

[00:48] Greetings and introduction of Sumit Gupta

[01:35] Becoming a better leader even from behind the computer

[04:55] Introvert leaders

[07:26] There has to be more!

[09:33] Realizing that fear never stops us

[12:36] Emotions are meant to be felt

[14:05] Paying more attention to who people really are

[16:33] Diversity brings productivity

[18:59] Dealing with the pressures of constant uncertainty

[23:47] Our mind is a beautiful servant a bad master

[26:31] Working with our minds and emotions

[28:05] People need sincere and genuine acknowledgement

[28:46] Learnings from photography

[35:27] If I can't do this, then what can I do?


Make Your Day Mesmerizing!