This is an exciting series on building mesmerizing workplace cultures. There is no greater competitive advantage than having happy and mentally-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and the world.

In this episode, we have a wonderful guest, Ravi Prakash. Ravi has led teams from a five-person team to 800 plus people in 80 countries across South America, North America, Asia, and all over the world. He shares insightful experiences with lots of golden nuggets about leadership and bringing your whole self as you lead and work with people. He also talks about the importance of building healthy relationships and experiencing the value it brings to the work culture, gave practical tips on how to create an environment that is conducive for to a work and life culture. 

Tune in now and enjoy this wisdom-packed episode with Tim Shurr and Ravi Prakash.



“Leadership is first it starts with you, you have to lead yourself. If you cannot lead yourself, then you cannot lead other people.” - Ravi Prakash

"When people come and tell you as a boss or as a leader, ‘Hey, this is happening…’ we cannot tell people, no, that cannot be happening. We have to try to understand where is that coming from.” - Ravi Prakash

"You cannot probably solve everybody's human problem that they have because problems are solutions. That is a sign of life saying life is asking you to become more, do something different." - Ravi Prakash

“Projects will come and go but relationships last.” - Ravi Prakash

“We need to make sure that we are bringing our full self to work as we bring our full self to anything we do in life.” - Ravi Prakash



Show Notes:

[00:39] Greetings and introduction of 

[01:18] Ravi’s experience with a company in Argentina 

[10:02] Creating an environment that is conducive for to a work and life culture

[15:19] Projects will come and go but relationships last

[23:21] Making sure that we bring our full self to work

[24:00] Leadership demands sacrifice

[26:03] Looking at the inflection points in your life and learn to connect the dots

[28:00] You are the original version

[28:37] Having the element of faith


Make Your Day Mesmerizing!