In this episode, we are joined by an incredible guest, Aaron Walker. Aaron is the Founder/President of Iron SHarpens Iron Mastermind Group as he is one of the top mastermind leaders and gurus in the world. 

Tim and Aaron’s conversation is about how we are created to be in a community and how people thrive exponentially in a healthy and positive group. Learn Aaron’s top advice in dealing with financial pressure and some priceless nuggets to catapult your life to the next level.

Listen in now and reap the benefits as you apply these pro tips!



“Isolation is the enemy to excellence.” - Aaron Walker

“When our identity is tied up into something that can go away, who are we when they're gone?” - Aaron Walker

“When we get our perspective in the right order, and we get our focus, headed down the right path, it really changes everything.” - Aaron Walker

“I want to work like it depends on me. And I want to trust like it depends on the Lord.” - Aaron Walker

“I never want to be complacent but I always want to be content.” - Aaron Walker

“‘Can't’ couldn't do it. And ‘Could’ did it all.” - Aaron Walker

“Have a mindset of fearing missing an opportunity more than you fear failure.” - Aaron Walker




View From The Top, book by Aaron Walker

The Big Leap, book by Gay Hendricks

Mindset, book by Carol Dweck 


Show Notes:

[00:35] Greetings and introduction of Aaron Walker   

[01:03] The secret is that we care

[02:22] Designed to be in community 

[05:50] What masterminds can do for you

[12:30] The most important is being in the group long term

[13:33] Dealing with isolation

[14:28] Meeting physically vs. virtually

[16:26] The magic that happens in a mastermind

[19:42] Top advice on dealing with financial pressure

[24:24] The blessings brought by the pandemic

[25:49] Keeping the faith

[33:18] We are our worst enemy           

[34:08] The fear of missing an opportunity   


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