In this episode, we have one of the all-time legends of the speaking industry, Joel Weldon. Joel is one of the original founders of the National Speakers Association. He has coached over 10,000 speakers, and the best of the bests when it comes to growing your business from the stage.

As you listen in, you will know some of the common mistakes speakers make and pick up brilliant strategies on how to make your great message fabulous. You will also learn about Joel’s Ultimate Speaking System and how to position yourself as an expert and let your results set you apart.

Make sure to tune in now and learn from one of the best in the world!  



“To be an effective communicator or speaker is to be yourself.” - Joel Weldon

“There’s only one person in the audience and the name is You.” - Joel Weldon

“What makes a great speaker is results.” - Joel Weldon

“Speak to your audience about what they need in an organized way they can follow and get yourself out the way.” - Joel Weldon



[email protected] 


Show Notes:

[00:35] Greetings and introduction of Joel Weldon 

[01:33] What differentiates you is being yourself

[04:28] What makes a great speaker              

[05:54] The power of being you

[10:47] Don’t take yourself too personal

[11:57] The You factor

[15:26] The You factor is singular

[16:49] What should go before telling a story

[21:53] The message and the ideas need to be relevant to the audience

[25:37] The NFV Formula

[29:40] Never close on a Call To Action

[31:29] Special rate for the podcast listeners 

[34:06] You care enough to prepare enough

[38:47] Taking the great and making it fabulous

[46:49] What your closing should be  


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