This is an exciting series on how to build mesmerizing workplace cultures because there is no greater competitive advantage than to have happy and mentally well-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and the world.

In this episode, We have Andrea Butcher, the president of HRD Advisory Group, which is a top-notch leadership development company. Together with Tim, they talk about the difference between training and growth and development. Andrea shared the elements that foster genuine progress and also talks about the Leadership Challenge Model.

Learn all these excellent insights and more as you click that play button and listen in now!



“For me, time and Grace really go hand in hand, because it takes time as a facilitator to build trust and connection with people so that they're willing to let the guards down and just be who they are.” - Andrea Butcher

“Wherever you go, there you are. And you bring the values and all of the stuff of life with you wherever you are.” - Andrea Butcher

“It's giving people the space to struggle through that and empathizing with them.” - Andrea Butcher




Henry Cloud - How We Grow, Cloud-Townsend book

The Leadership Challenge, Sixth Edition

Being At Work Podcast, by Andrea Butcher


Show Notes:

[00:35] Greetings and introduction Andrea Butcher

[01:26] Working harder on yourself than you do on your job

[04:14] Reminding people what’s already inside them and that they matter

[05:40] How we grow - Truth, Time, and Grace

[11:28] Creating the openness to see the humanity

[12:21] The importance of leadership growth and development in organizations

[17:22] The leadership challenge model

[20:28] Giving people the space to struggle

[22:37] The Leadership Challenge, by Jim Kouze and Barry Posner

[28:15] Some beliefs that leaders are struggling with along the way during this time of the pandemic

[31:29] It’s how you do it

[34:41] Only when we love ourselves

[40:40] Learn more about Andrea and her programs


Make Your Day Mesmerizing