This is an exciting series on how to build mesmerizing workplace cultures because there is no greater competitive advantage than to have happy and mentally well-devoted employees who want to do good for their company and the world.

In this episode, Tim is with Michael Gottlieb, who is a human-centric attorney out of Maryland. He started the Momentum Law Group with a team that is driven to change the way business owners think about and work with their legal team.

Listen in now and you will learn about finding your zone of genius and building your ideal business with it. They talk about the importance and benefits of using the right tool to solve a concern or a problem. Michael also shares about what a Legacy Life Map is and how powerful it is to have for you and your family.



“What I believe is psychology drives everything that we do.” - Michael Gottlieb

“I came up with this idea that I want to change the way that people look at their lawyers. And I'm going to do it one client at a time” - Michael Gottlieb 



[email protected] 


Show Notes:

[00:52] Greetings and introduction of Michael Gottlieb

[01:47] Working with entrepreneurs

[05:19] Being particular with people to work with

[08:55] Using the right tool to solve the problem

[15:44] Finding your zone of genius

[28:49] Creating the legacy life map

[29:03] The final act of love for your family


Make Your Day Mesmerizing