Fiona Buckland is an international coach, facilitator, author and speaker who has worked one-on-one with hundreds of clients, and lead thousands in public and corporate workshops, trainings and events. She is also the author of Thoughtful Leadership. Fiona helps you realise and discover your potential to lead. She takes us through some of the key components to building self-awareness as a leader and finding your true purpose. Allowing you to understand the difference between humility and how you free yourself from your ego in your leadership. She also gives and clear practical activities can you put into play to understand the impact of your leadership, how you motivate others and just what you're here to do to make a difference in the world and in your business. We go deep, really investigating mind body, heart and soul and all of the intricate nuances of leadership, especially in today's dynamic and changing world.


“Thoughtful leadership is about how you make everybody feel included and also to hand responsibility over to people.” - Fiona




4.46 - Why you should cement your thoughts around thoughtful leadership

9.23 - How do you build the self-belief to show up as a leader?

17.18 - Recognising the 5 stress responses in yourself

24.42 - How leaders need to be thoughtful in moments of crisis

29.52 - The importance of taking the time to know your team

38.45 - How to think about thoughtful leadership in the hybrid office

46.56 - How to create dignity and trust as a new leader


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>>>Read Samantha Clarke’s book - Love It Or Leave It: How to Be Happy at Work -
>>>Read Thoughtful Leadership A Guide to Leading with Mind, Body and Soul

 by Fiona Buckland -


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