Patti Digh was my first guest and final guest for 2012. Patti and I wrapped up 2012 in this interview. For those of you new to Patti she is writer, a speaker and a mom. Her work opens space for people to say a big YES: to their lives – before its s too late.

You see in 2003 Patti Digh s entire life changed. Her stepfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died 37 days later. That experience lead Patti to a renewed commitment to ask herself every morning: what would I be doing today if I only had 37 days to live? Patti is the author of several books including best seller Life is a Verb.

As she mentioned in the previous interview, she asks herself these questions as she shapes her life:

How well did you love?

How fully did you live?

How deeply did you let go?

Did you make a difference?

In this interview we discuss:

Intention Driven vs Circumstance Driven Control – her daughter’s diagnosis with Aspergers and her husband’s unexpected cancer diagnosis What we learned Accepting help From our interview in Jan 2012, Patti mentioned how obstacles move the story forward, we further discussed this. Two takeaways – 3 things going through loss/grief Items mentioned in this interview:

January 2012 interview

Patti’s husband (otherwise known as Mr. Brilliant) journey with cancer Patti’s daughter and Asperger’s Connect with Patti website facebook twitter books: Life is a Verb, Creative is a Verb


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