Societally we juggle more than our parents ever did when they were raising us.

We are a generation raised on the notion we could have it all - a great marriage, fulfilling careers, wonderful children, holidays, a big house, nice cars, after school paid activities, tutoring, the best schools, and so on and so on.

Add social media, rolling news, and the need to be constantly 'on' and it's no wonder we have the mental health issues we have today. Whilst some children will need the support of a specialist, there is so much we can do to help at home, and it starts with us asking ourselves "How am I really feeling, and what am I doing to take care of my stresses, anxieties and overwhelm?". 


Here are the highlights: 

(00:54) One in six children have a probable diagnosable mental health issue 

(06:50) Do a ‘stress audit’ on your typical day 

(10:18) Make small but meaningful changes 

(15:12) The power of family meetings 

(18:16) Include children in the decision-making process 


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