The two most common ways we screw our kids up don’t come from a place of neglectful parenting. Quite the contrary, they come from a place of feeling we need to be A*** otherwise we’re not a good parent. This often means losing who we are in the process – as everything becomes about our children – at the expense of everything else!! 

What I will share in this episode comes from a place of love not criticism, and if we can master these two common mistakes, parenting gets a whole load easier, and we begin to find our true selves again.  

Here are the highlights: 

{1:02} Don't lose sight of who YOU are as an individual 

{4:36} Trying to correct your own childhood 

{7:15} Turn off the autopilot 

{8:21} SHINE 


Find out more and connect with Dr. Maryhan at  

To access the free resources mentioned in this episode visit 

The two most common ways we screw our kids up don’t come from a place of neglectful parenting. Quite the contrary, they come from a place of feeling we need to be A*** otherwise we’re not a good parent. This often means losing who we are in the process – as everything becomes about our children – at the expense of everything else!! 

What I will share in this episode comes from a place of love not criticism, and if we can master these two common mistakes, parenting gets a whole load easier, and we begin to find our true selves again.  

Here are the highlights: 

{1:02} Don't lose sight of who YOU are as an individual 

{4:36} Trying to correct your own childhood 

{7:15} Turn off the autopilot 

{8:21} SHINE 


Find out more and connect with Dr. Maryhan at  

To access the free resources mentioned in this episode visit