Tom Hanrahan is the Head of US Sales at Square and an impactful and determined sales leader. On today's episode, Danny Leonard sits down with Tom to discuss his journey in sales. They cover a bundle of topics, including: 

Tom's long grind in sales over the past 15 yearsHow the Aramark training program helped shape his sales careerHis love for coaching and developing peopleOvercoming the ‘sales stereotypes' and stigmas in his headMentors along the way who helped Tom thriveBreaking through imposter syndrome as a 22 year oldTransitioning from player to coach at LivingSocialKeith Rosen’s Book: Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions: A Tactical Playbook for Managers and ExecutivesBreaking out and simplifying the levers for early-career salespeopleHire great people first, then teach them how to sell the productWhy it’s important to never bad mouth your company in an interviewBeing patient with yourself and trusting the process

Tom is originally from NYC, and made his way out to California. He's an avid sports fan & passionate about the Knicks. 

Enjoy this episode of The Ramped Podcast & How I Sell - thank you for tuning in!