The quality of health and life women put up with is much less than what is possible. We accept it as the norm – to feel terrible – but the opposite is possible – to feel amazing. 


Hearing this from an OBGYN is eye-opening. Dr. Kyrin [@kyrindunstonmd] is saying what women have been noticing – that conventional care is good at emergency care, but not reversing chronic issues. 


Whether perimenopause, postmenopause, menstrual irregularities, HPV and abnormal paps, recurrent infections, anxiety and depression, fatigue, weight gain, and/or low sex drive – this message applies.  


You don’t have to keep on dealing with feeling uncomfortable, in fear, and alone, blaming yourself. And a fist-full of prescriptions is not going to fix it. 


But the answers are not likely to come from a visit with your standard doctor’s office. This is coming from an MD who has decided to tell the truth.  


Living in a state of hormone impoverishment. It’s not okay. Even if your labs are all “normal.” 




In this episode we talk about: 


-How to see past the confusion to see the real cause and address it 


-Weight gain is not a math problem, it’s a communication problem 


-It’s possible for your health to change when you have the right support 


-If there’s no drug for it, you’re not going to hear about it in medicine 


-Stress and cortisol are hidden disruptors that need to be addressed 


-The hormones are all connected and affect each other 




Instead of waiting until you have a disease to prescribe a medicine or perform surgery so doctors can be victors, it’s time to provide information that can stop the pattern from progressing in the first place.  


Dr. Kyrin even covers the myths of health care and insurance, and she breaks down the truth about hormone replacement therapy.  


Please listen in for a conversation that will give you a bird’s eye view of health care and your health and empower you to make choices that has the potential to completely shift the trajectory of your life. 


And if you have been diagnosed with HPV and/or an abnormal pap, join me in my upcoming free, online workshop – 5 Days to Heal HPV. Sign up at 




Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES