On this weeks House Call:

The Harm of Statins

Our first question comes from Dorothy. Dorothy has successfully completed the Eat Fat, Get Thin program and now all of her labs are normal, but her new physician wants her to get back on statins which Dorothy doesn’t want to do. She asks, “What can I say to my physician to keep her from dismissing me as a patient?”

High Fat Diets and Cancer

Our next question comes from Cathy who says, “A lower fat diet has always been recommended to reduce risk for breast cancer. Do you feel this is incorrect?”

Now I want to hear from you! Are you taking a statin Or have you gotten off your statins and met with resistance from your primary care physician? Do you have any experience with good quality high-fat diets? Post your comments on my Facebook page. If you liked this video be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and send your video submissions to [email protected] and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you.

Wishing you health & happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD