On this week's House Call:

Finding Trigger Foods

Julie, an Eat Fat, Get Thin challenge participant, is curious about transitioning off of a program and onto every day eating. She asks, “How do I get a good read on whether certain foods are OK for me? What’s the best indicator that a food is good or not good?”

Can We Eat Too Much Fat?

Our next question comes from Sandra who asks, “Still have questions on upper limits of fats. Is there too much of a good thing?”

My Top Superfoods

Out final question comes from Anna who asks, “What superfoods are most important to stay healthy?”

Now I want to hear from you. Have you had luck finding your trigger foods? What did you do that worked well? How do you feel when you eat high-quality fat? And what are your favorite superfoods?

Leave your comments on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and send your video submissions to drhyman.com/blog, and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you.

Wishing you health & happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD