Josh reconvenes the SGBF with Justin and Ethan to discuss space pets, skateboarding fatigue, acrobatic princes, mmo acronyms, ninja gaiden appreciation, pinning balls, pulling mo’s, and gaming around the olympics. Skipping prowess not required.

Super Gaming Best Friends: the podcast where Horrible Night writers and friends get caught up on their latest video game adventures and then get to know each other better by discussing off-topic interests.

Show Notes


Josh, Justin L, Ethan


00:18 – Intro

08:22 – On the Spot Question

21:28 – What Are We Playing?

21:45 – Outernauts, Tony Hawk HD, Split/Second,  Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

54:16 – The Secret World, Oniken

1:23:30 – Pinball FX2, Pushmo, Mutant Mudds, 3DS, Tribes Ascend, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

1:54:49 – Updates

1:58:59 – Threesomes of the Week

Threesomes of the Week

Justin – Protomen, Breaking Bad, Retro Game Collecting
Ethan –Mountain Men, Blood Creek, The Art of HP Lovecraft
Josh – Tales from the Crypt, HBO GO, Jaws/Robocop 2

Subscribe to Super Gaming Best Friends – The other Wednesdays


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