Justin, Ethan, Cole, and Josh have had their share of failures in video games, but which one’s rank as their most memorable video game deaths? From the dark and brutal to the touching and tearful, the cast explores all definitions of game over.

The Horrible Show – Join the editorial staff of HorribleNight.com as they discuss a variety of entertainment-focused video game topics.

This show was recorded live on Twitch.tv/HorribleNight. Live podcasts are featured monthly. View the archived video.

Throughout August, Horrible Night will be featuring articles on Death in Games

How You Play the Game: Taking Life and Death Seriously
How You Play the Game: Death of a Sim
Gaming Connoisseur: When Death in Games Mattered

Show Notes


Justin L, Ethan, Cole, Josh


00:25 – Intro

12:12 – Game Industry Shout-Outs

30:24 – Horrible Shout-Outs

50:13 – Death in Video Games

51:17 – We Died

1:19:13 – They Died

1:39:54 – HorribleNight.com Updates

Game Industry Shout-Outs:

Ethan – EA vs Zynga
Josh – MinecraftEdu
Cole – DayZ goes standalone
Justin – Diablo 3 Character Profiles

Horrible Shout-Outs:

Josh – You’re Gonna Get It Anyway: Transformers: War For Cybertron (Justin L)
Cole – Games as in Life: New Game Plus Metroid (Justin G)
Ethan – Game Curious Video: Spelunky (Josh and Justin L)
Justin – Gaming Lifestyle: Irreconciable 3DS Differences (Cole)

Subscribe to the Horrible Show – New Episodes every Wednesday.


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