Justin, Ethan, and Josh hang out with the live chat audience after the Death in Video Games episode to make sure Josh doesn’t kill Justin. Also – preparing Ethan for Germany, selecting games for streaming, indie game review policies, Terraria, and more.

Aftermath Episodes – The mics stay on after the show ends as the conversation continues and live chat interacts with the cast.

The Horrible Show – Join the editorial staff of HorribleNight.com as they discuss a variety of entertainment-focused video game topics.

This show was recorded live on Twitch.tv/HorribleNight. Live podcasts are featured monthly. View the archived video.

Show Notes


Justin L, Ethan, Cole, Josh

Topic Summary

More Death in Video Games
Preparing Ethan for Moving to Germany
Choosing Games for Game Night
Questions from Chat
Indie game review codes and policies
Game Curious Videos
More Questions from chat

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