Darksiders is going down as one of the most memorable games of this generation for the Horrible Night staff. Justin, Ethan, and Aaron discuss their initial expectations around the game and its growing legacy prior to the release of the sequel.

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

There’s more to these horseman than we were led to believe.

Episode Background

Compare the reverence that fans have for Darksiders to their expectations and you’ll be hard pressed to find a game from this generation with the same disparity. The fact is Darksiders had all of the markings an B-tier title and was passed up by a large audience. Those players missed out on one of the greatest character action experiences complete with an engrossing world brought together with style and a weighty story matched only by the power of its lead character, War. As the franchise grows with the release of the sequel, Horrible Night reflects on the highlights of their original adventure in the Darksiders universe.

This checkpoint is for anyone who has played Darksiders and is interested in seeing the franchise continue. This episode contains light gameplay and plot spoilers.

Show Notes

Cast: Justin Lacey, Ethan Moses, and Aaron McNeal

Runtime: 26:39

Games: Darksiders, Darksiders II

Subscribe to The Cursed Checkpoint – Multiple episodes a month.


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