The history and the present state of superhero video games are starting to have a lot of similarities. Justin, Ethan and Josh look to their favorites and the missteps to try to solve the Superman problem and give superhero fans the games they deserve.

The Horrible Show – Join the editorial staff of as they discuss a variety of entertainment-focused video game topics.

Show Notes


Justin L, Ethan, Josh


00:25 – Intro

03:10 – Game Industry Shout-outs

21:10 – Horrible Shout-outs

36:51 – On the Spot

45:29 – Save the Superheroes

46:10 – Classics

1:01:36 – Missteps

1:13:10 – Arkham and Beyond

1:28:45 – Solutions

1:32:32 – Updates

Game Industry Shout-Outs:

Josh – Build Your Own Arcade Controls Forum
Justin – Randy Pitchford, Duke Nukem Forever and Half-Life 2
Ethan – Wasteland 2

Horrible Shout-Outs:

Ethan – Ecstasy of Order (Tetris Movie)
Josh – Gaming Our Asses Off
Justin – Cole Monroe – Retro Game Collecting

Subscribe to the Horrible Show – New Episodes every Wednesday.


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