"In the UK, 1 in 100 people have celiac disease, but only 30% are diagnosed. That means that there are a lot of people unknowingly living with this autoimmune disease, or they may be misdiagnosed with other conditions like IBS"

Since her Coeliac diagnosis over 20 years ago Abby Foreman has turned her health around using nutrition and lifestyle approaches. Now a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Abby draws on her own experience and nutrition knowledge to guide her clients through their journey to optimal health.
She runs her Nutrition clinic in York UK and holds online consultations, offering personalised nutrition advice for those suffering with chronic digestive complaints, Coeliac Disease and other autoimmune diseases. She believes everyone has the ability to take back control of their long-term health.

You will find her on instagram @af_nutrition where she shares nutrition insights and coeliac friendly recipes. Her website is https://afnutrition.co.uk/ where you can access her nutrition and food blog, download freebies and find details of her services and how to contact her. 



We discuss…

Abby’s journey with celiac disease

What exactly IS celiac disease - common symptoms, prevalence, risk factors?

Why gut health so important

Testing and diagnosis

What is gluten and where is it found?

Non celiac gluten sensitivity

Gluten, ‘leaky gut’ and autoimmune connection

Potential DOWNSIDES of a gluten free diet

Why someone with celiac can still feel sick even after removing gluten

Gluten cross reactive foods

Foods to increase that can promote gut healing



Coeliac UK



Abby’s recipes



Abby’s blog


Instant pot



Protein powders






Biomel dairy free yogurt



GUT - Giulia Enders book



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