Today we’ll be chatting with a very successful virtual assistant, Debora Cavett.

Debora helps small, women-owned businesses get to the next level with Social Media Management, Content Creation (for their blogs and newsletters) and other Admin Tasks. Her mission is to give you valuable time and energy back to enjoy life at its fullest!

Fun fact: Debora’s originally from Switzerland but didn't get a single response when pitching clients in German – only Americans wanted to hire her!

Why should YOU tune-in?

Ever doubt whether or not this whole online business thing is the real deal or if you could actually find success? This ROCKSTAR entrepreneur almost threw in the towel after just a month or two of starting out. What a shame it would have been if she had because, after just two years Debora is making $9,000 a month and she’s never going back!


What we’re talking about:

Becoming a virtual assistant Pitching, following up, and landing clients Choosing what services you offer online Niching down Email management and customer service are in high demand Leaving your day job to go full-time with your online business Hiring team members


Links mentioned in this episode:

Debora’s Website

Debora’s Social: Instagram & Facebook


Minute-by-minute breakdown:

2:23 – How Debora found out about Horkey HandBook and got started as a Virtual Assistant

6:26 – Where Debora found and her clients

7:11 – Do you have to be from the US to be successful? Nope!

9:50 – How Debora decided on the services she offers

13:00 – Customer services or email management?

14:08 – A big win for Debora

16:14 – A typical day 

19:53 – So, how much can you actually make with an online business?

21:13 – Why Debora hired a virtual assistant to help with her business

22:51 – Debora ALMOST threw in the towel

25:03 – What’s next?