Today we’ll be chatting with a very successful online entrepreneur, Erika Schanzenbach.

Erika lives and works in the hills of southwest Virginia. She leaves her mark on the world by helping the creators, builders, and makers of things do their work better.

She has a knack for DESIGN and ORGANIZATION that makes her a valuable partner to online business owners and high-caliber course creators who need quality branded course materials and lead magnets to serve their audience.

Fun fact: Erika is a pie contest winner. The making pie kind, not the eating pie kind.

Why should YOU tune-in?

Three years ago, Erika was introduced to Horkey HandBook and the world of online business. 

She didn’t decide to slowly build her business over time like so many people. Nope, she went from introduction to going all in and managed to quickly build a successful business. Listen in as she shares her experience.


What we’re talking about:

Get paid to learn as a virtual assistant Business email accounts and management Workspace Online business means freedom of lifestyle and choice How to land clients and find work online


Links mentioned in this episode:

Erika’s website

Erika’s Facebook & LinkedIn 

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo


Minute-by-minute breakdown:

3:01 – Learning experiences, not failure 

5:31 – Erika chose niches that she didn’t even know you could get paid for

7:35 – How Erika came across the world of online work

11:28 – How long it took Erika to work her way through the course and land her first client

17:14 – What Erika’s business looks like now

21:24 – How many clients Erika works with

22:18 – Pricing and packaging your online services

25:23 – How Erika has successfully landed clients

28:15 – The income report

30:24 – How many hours Erika actually works

31:13 – Productivity tips

35:47 – A big win for Erika

39:44 – Erika’s one piece of advice