Ray Nolan is founder and CEO of eDesk, an innovative customer support platform for eCommerce sellers. 

Ray has founded, mentored and invested in many digital commerce startups over a period of 20 years; including Hostelworld, Skyscanner and Ding.com. 

Ray founded eDesk after seeing friends running a high margin eCommerce business and struggling with operational efficiencies and profitable scaling. 

Today eDesk powers thousands of merchants around the world, using AI to help them provide faster and more personalized support to their customers.

In This Conversation We Discuss: 

[00:44] Intro[02:36] Knowing what your competitors are up to[03:27] Building key differentiators from competitors[04:10] Using AI to simplify customer support processes[05:33] Learning to refine your interactions with AI tools[06:19] How AI helps in ideating and outlining[07:20] Incorporating AI in your workflow[08:19] Maximizing AI for things you’re not adept with[08:56] Experimenting with the add-ons[09:09] ChatGPT and the convenience it brings[11:25] Synopsizing ticket history using AI tools[12:41] AI giving a more streamlined customer support[14:23] The importance of continuity in customer support[15:37] Chatbots and SLAs in the Ecommerce space[16:22] Leveraging ChatGPT to categorize tickets[18:01] Advantages of hands-free replies[18:23] Proof that AI still needs human assistance[19:55] Outsourcing mundane elements to AI-assisted houses[20:50] Customers expecting faster response times[21:16] Delivering expected support fast is the key[22:01] What eDesk offers


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