Shizu Okusa is the Founder & CEO of Apothékary, a plant-based farmacy that couples traditional medicine with modern day ailments, offering natural alternatives to over-the-counter drugs and beauty products. 

The company was established in 2019 and has since expanded their business beyond the US and now in 22+ countries worldwide. 

In This Conversation We Discuss:

[00:52] Intro[01:39] Transforming No’s into a business idea[02:53] From Aha moment to a wellness journey[03:37] Modernizing Eastern apothecary[04:2] Gathering storefront insights for Ecommerce[05:41] Maximizing data-driven marketing[07:39] Embracing a remote and global team[08:22] The wave of mental wellness trends during COVID[10:24] Seizing the Shark Tank opportunity[11:50] Behind the scenes of Shark Tank filming[12:45] The numbers behind the Shark Tank pitch[14:03] Episode sponsors[16:06] Battling a hacking incident[18:16] Reflecting on social media best practices[19:05] Prioritizing email and owned media[21:19] The rise of wellness as gifts[22:46] The importance of targeted investor outreach[24:00] Clean, effective herbal remedies at Apothékary


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