Samantha Coxe is the CEO and Founder of Flaus, the world's first electric flosser. Prior to founding Flaus, Sam was a M&A attorney at Skadden, Arps, assisting dozens of high growth startups through their entire life cycle - from formation to exit. 

As a Female Founder, Sam’s passions supporting Women’s Rights, inclusivity, sustainability, and self-acceptance are the foundation of Flaus’ brand mission and personality.

In This Conversation We Discuss:

[00:44] Intro[01:16] Flossing frustration sparks business idea[02:44] From concept to data validation[03:39] DIY-ing the first prototype[04:39] The power of surveys and data-driven validation[06:25] Discovering the target audience already existed[08:25] Navigating crowdfunding campaigns[09:38] Managing crowdfunding expectations  [10:42] Partnering with crowdfunding agencies[12:27] Harnessing email list & pre-campaign momentum[15:27] Understanding crowdfunding realities[16:16] Episode sponsors[20:30] Learning the essentials before the actual launch[22:11] Strategic investor partnerships[23:10] Optimizing customer acquisition[24:09] Discovering diverse customer audiences[25:30] Focusing and improving what works[26:55] Stay the course, avoid over-expansion[28:10] Thriving in challenging times[29:47] Check out Flaus products


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