The purpose of your learning center in your business is to sell your products, to sell multiple products that are in your learning center. You also going to put your free training courses and free training ideas and free training case studies and sell them in your learning center. And you're going to gather and you're going to interact with your customers in your learning center. And you're going to add your weekly workshops which are free. Say let 20 minutes trainings in out of the learning center as a resource. And of course you're going to, as we talked before about doing case studies and doing challenges to learn about a topic and getting results or no results. And you can put those into your learning center because they're all about your topic. In Build your Business I go over the 15 principles in detail over 52 weeks. If you follow along and implement these principles your business will grow so follow this podcast for action steps to grow your business and subscribe to get workbook and action steps at