John Comaroff is an owner with experience renovating in Chicago, Boston, England, and South Africa. John and his wife Jean are both professors of African and African-American Studies and Anthropology, at Harvard University.

I met John in 2012, when we helped him and his wife renovate and early 19oo's home that they had just purchased while relocating from Chicago to Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In this conversation, John talks about the sociology of why people engage in the design and construction process. We then talk about the relationship between the owner and their builder and what can build trust and what kind of rode at it. We also talk about the fluidity of budgets and seeing projects in total. This an interesting perspective where John advocates for seeing the project several years out after the completion of the project.

When coming up with the title for the episode, I kept returning to the quote that John said. "This isn't me telling you it's us figuring it out".  I think this quote has real wisdom about the intimate relationship required to work together, to find meaningful solutions.

It was a real joy to speak with John.  find re-listening to our conversation more rewarding each time. I hope you to enjoy the conversation.

If you or a friend would like to share what made your project successful, I would love to hear from you.

If you would like to contribute to the podcast with question or comments you can find us here at