It is with much pleasure and honor that we present, Psychedelicast: A conversation with Dr. Dennis McKenna Dr. Dennis McKenna is an ethnopharmacologist with extensive experience in using these plant tools and teachers. He has conducted ethnobotanical fieldwork in the Peruvian, Columbian and Brasilian Amazon . Dr. McKenna is currently Assistant Professor in the Center…

It is with much pleasure and honor that we present, Psychedelicast: A conversation with Dr. Dennis McKenna

Dr. Dennis McKenna is an ethnopharmacologist with extensive experience in using these plant tools and teachers. He has conducted ethnobotanical fieldwork in the Peruvian, Columbian and Brasilian Amazon . Dr. McKenna is currently Assistant Professor in the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. He is also a founding board member of the Heffter Research Institute and has authored or co-authored 3 books and over 40 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals. He is also well known as one of the original psychedelic pioneers along with his brother late brother Terence . His newest book “The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss: My Life with Terence McKenna” is available through his website and on AMAZON . We  suggest everyone check this book out as soon as possible, it will be one of the best purchases one can possibly make.

Special thanks to Lynette from the Heffter Research Institute and of course HUGE thanks to  Dennis for his time and for sharing his expertise with the world. He is an extremely funny person, one of the most humble scientists out there and of course, a well educated and very interesting person. This podcast was truly a privilege for me personally, I could never express how thankful I am to have gotten this opportunity to speak to one of my personal influences and one of my favorite people on this planet we call Earth. I am living a dream, and what a beautiful one it is.  – Zach

Also please check out the Heffter Research Institute at for more information.

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