This episode is all about oxalate.  I interviewed Susan Owens who is one of the leading researchers into oxalate and their deleterious influence on health.

Oxalate is found in many "healthy" foods like leafy greens, nuts, and beets.  The body makes them naturally and can function fine with a low balance.  

However, many people are told to eat these healthy foods that are high in oxalate as a part of a healthy diet and are experiencing many negative side effects. 

In this discussion, Susan explains everything you need to know about oxalates, why they matter, and what they are doing to your body and brain.

Be sure to check out Susan's Facebook group "Trying Low Oxalate" for the most comprehensive, researched-based oxalate education online. 

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📼 Topics Discussed 📼

💎 Oxalate researcher

💎 Oxalic acid on Organic Acids Test

💎 Susan was a caregiver for her family

💎 Dr. Rosemary Waring 

💎 Sulfates role in neurodevelopment

💎 SLC26A Family of transporters.  Move sulfate across membranes.

💎 Is oxalate elevated in autism and how does that affect sulfate?

💎 Sulfate transports oxalate

💎 Oxalates get into mitochondria and cause oxidative stress in the cell

💎 Liver makes oxalate

💎 Primary hyperoxaluria.. can be a fatal disease where the liver makes too much oxalate.  Need liver transplant

💎 1/3 of the genome is transporters where molecules go from one side of the cell to the other

💎 Blood is a highway

💎 Lab tests may not give the full picture of what is truly happening in your cells

💎 Water-soluble will not cross the lipid bilayer of the cell

💎 Nutrition is important, but everything comes down to regulation