On today's episode, Luis is joined by Zach and Steven, his co-facilitators, and graduates of the most recent Embodied Masculinity slow group, to share about their experiences around masculinity, sexuality, emotions, social conditioning and more.

They discuss:

talking about puberty with other men, through a somatic lensthe loneliness of pubertyregaining the ability to be with other men in an emotional wayunshaming, and moving through stuck places with mentorship, respect, and understandinguncoupling masculine nature from self-hatredovercouplings with power and domination nourishing the feminine and masculine energies togetheruncoupling masculine from man and feminine from woman

The next Embodied Masculinity slow group starts in January 2024, and is a 6 month container to dive deeply into the nuance of the topics explored in this episode, in a group men's space. To learn more, join the waitlist, and apply, click here.

You can register for the free email series here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/the-somatics-of-freeze

You can register for the webinar here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/moving-through-freeze-webinar