In this episode, we welcome back Lorcan MacGiolla Bhrighde and Helen Henderson, collaborators on Indigenous Ireland.

In this episode, Luis, Lorcan, and Helen discuss what it means not just to decolonize, i.e. remove constructs of colonization, but to re-indigenize their lives, i.e. reintegrate elements of their indigeneity.

The three of them share how immersing themselves in indigenous languages and folklore has supported their journey to re-indigenizing.

Similarly, they share the impact of re-indigenizing in their lives such as an appreciation and awareness of the balance of femininity and masculinity, a greater sense of connection to humans and other-than-human beings, the ability to find beauty in death, expanding from just biological relationship to social relationships, and gleaning wisdom from the seasons as to how to best support their bodies.

For more information on Lorcan's and Helen's work, visit:

For more information on Luis' work, visit:

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