“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”

In this episode, The Dragonfly Connection host, Amber Cook, begins by sharing a story of forgiveness that, in an instant, healed 25+ years of confusion and hurt. She then ponders how the events of her life; if played out differently could have prevented her from experiencing some of the most traumatic events in her life...and then as a result, also prevented some of her greatest blessings.

Amber has dedicated her life to healing her own PTSD and familial mental health issues; so she can help her children, her family, her friends, and her clients on their healing journeys. 

Learn Ambers simple, yet effective daily gratitude practice, and start using it today to help you live your best, most fulfilling life. 

Connect with Amber on Instagram for daily inspirational/humorous posts, life hacks, and more.