"Our time of birth was an answer to the question of the time." ~ Vanessa Couto

Michelle Lasley's interpretation is, "I believe we all have a purpose to be here, and part of our life's path is to unlock what that is, the exploration."

And, she is living her purpose! 

Michelle is a mom, social justice advocate, artist, coach, educator and a sustainability guru. At the age of 11, she learned that our world needed saving and from that moment on, creating a sustainable world became her mission. 

In this episode she also shares a couple easy to do things you can do to help, starting in your own house. 

She is a huge believer in co-creation in all aspects of life - big and small. Michelle believes in order for us to change the world, to co-create a better world, a world that works better for all of us; we need to work together. 

Hence the title of all her work and her podcast - Balanced Shared. 

She says, we need to raise people up, heal ourselves, model the healed behavior and ripple that out. And, she's right! 

You're going to get a lot of great information in this episode. 

Cause, we're better together. 

Connect with Michelle on Instagram

Listen to her podcast at https://michellelasley.com/podcast/