"Your body will lead you to health and wellbeing"

For three decades, Ilene struggled with
Body image, weight, and her relationship with food. 

During a big chunk of that time, she also practiced as a clinical social worker, working primarily with women who were struggling with issues similar to hers. They came to her with feelings of depression, anxiety, relationship challenges, and unresolved traumas. They  hoped that if they could change their bodies, all of these things would magically disappear or at least become less significant.

In her own words, she says, "they were wrong - and so was I"!

Ilene embraced what is now called intuitive eating - or the belief in the body's innate wisdom. She made a commitment to her own self-care, and shifted to focusing on health and wellbeing rather than the size of her body. 

She quit dieting, embraced intuitive eating, and developed a program to help other women find their innate body wisdom and their path to body freedom.

After listening to this episode, if this story resonates with you, like it did for Amber; you may want to pick up a copy of Ilenes brand new book, "Reflections of a fat girl, Wisdom Lost and Found from Growing Up Overweight. 

You can connect with Ilene and learn more about her program called, "Find Body Freedom" on Instagram or through email at [email protected]