Q’s for today:

5 min on this: Can you uncrack the debate over whether coconut oil use is healthy or unhealthy, topically and internally. Lot of debate with American HeartAssociation, customers bring up this question a lot... 45 min on this: Hey Chris & Ange, thank you so much for all you do. We greatly appreciate that you share & inspire on a regular basis. My questions are primarily geared towards Chris, though Ange, I'd love to hear your perspective as well. Thanks in advance!  1. What are specific ways you help Ange in your family business?  2. How did you determine you wanted to continue working as a fire fighter, when you no longer need to?  3. What do you do from 9am to 3pm when you're not at the fire station?  4. How do you and Ange schedule life together? How do you determine priorities?  5. What advice do you have for husbands whose wives have built doTERRA to a point where their job (the husband's) is no longer necessary?

Today’s Broadcast:

Recap of Canadian doTERRA Diamond Summit Leader vs Manager December Promo: Free Frankincense with a 200v order http://bit.ly/hfgetstarted December 20: 2018 Planning Session and reflection on 2017 Holiday break from live podcasts until Wednesday, January 17

Broadcast Info:

 - Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/holfittalks 

 - Join LIVE on Facebook: www.facebook.com/holfit 

 - Watch the video recordings: http://bit.ly/hfqanda 

 - Submit your question for the show: http://bit.ly/holfitq 

 - Episodes + Show Notes on website: http://www.hol-fit.com/p/holfit-talks.html 


Essential Oils:

 - Learn more: http://bit.ly/hfgetstarted

 - Purchase at 25% off:  http://bit.ly/hfoilswc


Other Mentions:

HOL:FIT Rocking Vibe Legacy Piece - launching Dec 7, 2017: https://rockingvibe.com A recent Mentor Session I did for our Elite Leaders: https://vimeo.com/245778118, pw = elite The AHA + Coconut Oil: Read about healthy fats: http://drhyman.com/blog/2016/03/30/fat-what-i-got-wrong-what-i-got-right/ and AHA president has heart attack: http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/16/health/aha-president-heart-attack/index.html “It Takes a Village” podcast from November 8: http://bit.ly/hfqanda