Taking Questions from the Community today! Submit your question to http://bit.ly/holfitq

Today’s Broadcast: 


How does 'the work' evolve from when you are first growing your business to what you do today? Starting from nothing? My up-line recommends that when I enrol someone at a class, setting up their LRP with a bottle of Lemon for them and then telling them about it afterwards.  I'm not too keen on this and would love to hear your thoughts on this! How important/beneficial do you find your back ground education in holistic nutrition? Do you find it useful when combining EO and nutrition? Daily income producing activities


Broadcast Info:

 - Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/holfittalks 

 - Join LIVE on Facebook: www.facebook.com/holfit 

 - Watch the video recordings: http://bit.ly/hfqanda 

 - Submit your question for the show: http://bit.ly/holfitq 

 - Episodes + Show Notes on website: http://www.hol-fit.com/p/holfit-talks.html 

Essential Oils:

 - Learn more: http://bit.ly/hfgetstarted

 - Purchase at 25% off:  http://bit.ly/hfoilswc

HOL:FIT Programs + Mentions: 

 - Download the Belief Summit here: http://www.sharesuccess.com/library/

- Glowing Skin Webinar: http://bit.ly/hfskinglow