Welcome back, dear listeners, to the Plunge, the weekly podcast where we identify the clogs in politics and pop culture. Hopefully you’ve had a good Thanksgiving, you’re slowly coming out of your tryptophan trance, and you’re ready for our re-cap of another wack week.

In this episode, we’ll tell you all about the newest hero of the ongoing sports culture wars: we’re talking, of course, about LaVar Ball, the only entrepreneur and basketball dad brave enough to refuse to thank Donald Trump.

Next, we’ll discuss the grimy politics behind the liberal apologism for Al Franken’s greasy groping. We’ll also voice our complaints with the media and their failure to cover sexual harassment stories with any degree of compassion or complexity.

In the pop culture corner, we’re discussing Hari Kondabolu’s righteous documentary The Problem with Apu, and for storytime we’ll end on a high note with some light-hearted dog tales.

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Show Notes:

Plaschke’s terrible take on LaVar Ball’s entrepreneurship:

Free advertising for the Big Baller Brand:

The illiterate, misplaced rage against Levar Burton:

Chris Cuomo is an idiot: