WebMD is the most trusted online platform for health education. But as we know, information does not equal transformation. 

So, how do we engage people throughout their health journey? How do we encourage them to apply what they’ve learned about good health and implement the behavior changes necessary for long-term health?

Can AI and other emerging technologies support this kind of patient engagement?

Dr. John Whyte is Chief Medical Officer at WebMD, where he leads the development of strategic partnerships that create meaningful change around important public health issues. 

Dr. Whyte has written extensively, creating award-winning health content for TV and the web, and developed numerous initiatives addressing diversity in clinical trials.

On this episode of The Beat, Dr. Whyte joins hosts Dr. Jessica Shepherd and Dr. Gautam Gulati to discuss how WebMD has evolved over the last 27 years and describe WebMD Ignite’s solutions for engaging patients throughout their healthcare journey.

Dr. Whyte shares his vision for democratizing access to health technology tools and resources—and then using that personalized data to provide better care.

Listen in for insight on connecting good habits with independent living later in life and learn how to bridge the gap between health information and habit change for long-term health transformation. 

Topics Covered

Why WebMD is the most trusted online platform for health educationHow WebMD has evolved in its aim of empowering people with information over 27 yearsWhat physicians can do to engage with patients who’ve done their own health researchWebMD Ignite’s solutions for every stage of the healthcare journeyLeveraging technology to engage patients and reduce healthcare disparitiesInnovating around existing behaviors vs. trying to get patients to change their behaviorDr. Whyte’s vision for democratizing access to health technology tools and resources (and then using that personalized data to provide better care)Strategies for engaging patients and encouraging incremental habit changeHow our systems reinforce bad behavior in the context of healthDr. Gulati’s future press release exercise of inspiring people to focus on their healthConnecting simple exercises with independent living later in life

Connect with Dr. John Whyte

Dr. Whyte at WebMDDr. Whyte’s Website

Connect with Dr. Gautam Gulati & Dr. Jessica Shepherd

ViVEHLTHDr. Shepherd on TwitterDr. Shepherd on LinkedInDr. Gulati on TwitterDr. Gulati on LinkedIn


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