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Welcome to episode 324 of Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris.

Let's do it guys, let's talk about the money. I sit back at the end of every year and I try to pay attention to what I spend. I do this more regularly than once a year now that Charles handles the bookkeeping, just full transparency. I'm much better at it when somebody else does the day-to-day of it, but I do like to evaluate what's going out because I want to know that I'm getting the value and that value may not be dollar-for-dollar, but I want to make sure that I'm getting what I need out of the financial exchange.

I sat down and I've been looking at the investments I made this year and so I want to tell you guys about the four best investments I made in 2016. I'm not going to be naming physical things you can buy, really more the mental investments I made that were financial investments as well, but they may be different for you as far as the specific thing. That will make more sense once I go on so I will just go on. Are you ready to jump in? Let's jump in.


Number one, and I'm doing this in no particular order, by the way. The first one we're going to talk about: focused coaching and mentorship. At different stages in my business I've thought I need need a coach or I need a mastermind, and I was always right. I did, I needed a coach or I needed a mastermind and the programs I invested in have been fantastic. The coaches I've worked with, the masterminds I've been a part of, all wonderful. However, I needed this year something really focused on my goals in a way that I've not done before. Generally when I've been this focused on something it's been from the perspective of a program. However, this year I really wanted coaching that was super specific to my goals, and so that's exactly what I did this year. I invested in what was going to move my goal closer.

I'm still in some of those investments, but that was hands down one of the best investments I made in my business because it was specific to what my goals were.  I wasn't trying to figure something out or working with somebody who could do nine different things for me and who was going to work on my mindset and who was going to work marketing and who was going to work on my program development. No, I got what I needed, so if you need to build and launch a program, find somebody who does that. If you need help with your money mindset, find somebody who does that. If you need help with your social media, find somebody who does that. By the way, I do that. Whatever it is, your needs.

It may mean working with a couple of different people throughout the year. I try not to be working with more than one person or thing at a time because I'm very cognizant of the percentage of my time that is working on my business versus actually working on my business from the perspective of creating content, executing the things that I talk about with these coaches and these masterminds, so that's important. Pay attention to that.

Find what it is you need. Absolutely if you have somebody you're working with on your mindset and you have somebody who you're working with on a program development, that does not need to be the same person. Get specific. Get really, really specific about what you need when you need it and do that. That's been huge for me.

Number two,

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