Today's episode is pulled from a Webinar created in 2021 that is SO relevant and needed for Non-Profit Executive Directors and even Executive Pastors: The Section of the Webinar was called "Your Reports are Lying to you!"

It helps eliminate passing data up from those below to the board of directors and having important information ignored. Selling a report that was built to show success not necessarily facts. Stop having needless "Vanity Reporting" laid on your desk and wasting valuable time finding the information you really want.

In a day when data is everywhere... learn how to find... or better yet.. ask for the INFORMATION you need to find if your web efforts are bringing in RIO.

We discuss how to measure online projects and learn to make reporting decisions BEFORE the project starts.

Leaders at Christian organizations and churches wear many hats and let's face it, they all don't fit perfectly. While focusing on mission, staff, vendors, fundraising, and goals... there is the matter of Digital Strategies. Technology and trends move at breakneck speeds and managing your Christian organization's online efforts can seem like a full-time job. 

Todd Turner has been in your shoes... He spent his life helping Faith Based organizations build solid, ethical, online fundraising strategies that work. Listen in and subscribe to grow your knowledge, increase your ability to lead your digital efforts, and be encouraged as you navigate your organization in the Digital World of ministry and fundraising.