The Executive Director and Pastor Guide to Sowing and Reaping Online Givers

What does Ethical Digital Fundraising and Executive Directors and Pastors have in common? A whole lot.

Technology is moving at break neck speeds. So is data collection and thus... access to this information.

Your Web Team and vendors have access to more data than you may can even imagine.

Listen in to learn about choses you may need to make about data available to you and how that effects the way you fundraise.

Leaders at Christian organizations and churches wear many hats and let's face it, they all don't fit perfectly. While focusing on mission, staff, vendors, fundraising, and goals... there is the matter of Digital Strategies. Technology and trends move at breakneck speeds and managing your Christian organization's online efforts can seem like a full-time job. 

Todd Turner has been in your shoes... He spent his life helping Faith Based organizations build solid, ethical, online fundraising strategies that work. Listen in and subscribe to grow your knowledge, increase your ability to lead your digital efforts, and be encouraged as you navigate your organization in the Digital World of ministry and fundraising.