Welcome to This is HIS Story podcast: The Executive Director and Pastor Guide to Reaping and Sowing Online Givers. 

Today's Episode we are discussing the answers to these questions:

Why you don’t have to spend tons to find new donors or keep the ones you have

How the executive teams I work with are winning back 5, 1, even 15+ hours a week for themselves.

Simple methods to align your staff and vendors to row to the same simple goal(s).

How to gain confidence that the ROI of your digital efforts are being used in good stewardship to your board and donors

How to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, so your organization stands out and excites current donors.

And, how to do all this, while gaining maximum exposure for their organization and funding their God-sized mission.

We discuss a Free Webinar built to answer these questions.

Former Executive Vice President of a large international non-profit organization where he served over 11 years. Todd Turner has studied digital fundraising strategies in multiple countries, languages, and cultures around the globe. A public speaker and digital consultant passionate about sharing his findings and strategies with Christian Non-Profits.