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*** It's a Good Expression ***








That makes sense.


※make senseは「筋が通る」

get people’s attention


steal the spotlight


second and third cousins


※second cousinは、自分から見て祖父母の兄弟姉妹の孫。『サザエさん』でいう、タラちゃんとイクラちゃんの関係。

barely ever


※barely自体は「かろうじて〜する」の意味だが、everがつくと、seldom、hardly ever、almost neverと同じ意味となる。

*** Script ***

Big Families in the Philippines

Situation: A Filipino, Miguel, is talking with a Japanese, Marika.

W: Hey Miguel, thanks for inviting me to go to your grandma’s birthday party!

M: No problem, Marika! Besides, I want you to experience how awesome and fun Filipino birthday parties are!

W: Yeah! What should I wear? I was thinking of black or red, since both of these colors are my favorite colors.

M: Oh no, no. You can’t wear those colors! We only wear black whenever we go to funerals.

W: That makes sense. How about red? Red is a happy color.

M: Well, I don’t really know why, but whenever you wear red, people will just ask you if it’s YOUR birthday. Maybe because red is a bright color that it gets people’s attention?

W: That’s interesting. I shouldn’t wear red, so I won’t steal the spotlight at your grandma’s birthday party. How many people are coming? Around 20?

M: Oh Marika, you will SURELY be shocked when we arrive there. Around 100 people might come!

W: What?! That’s a big party!

M: Well, Filipinos just love families SO much. I even know my second and third cousins, and we’re really close!

W: That’s awesome. In Japan, sometimes, we don’t even know our FIRST cousins. I barely ever meet them.

M: Well, you’re gonna have fun in this party! You ready? We should go now.

W: Oh, look at the time! The party starts at 5, right? It’s already 5:15!

M: Don’t worry, It’s Filipino time.

W: Huh? What do you mean? Let’s just go!

(Written by Mikael Kai Nomura)