
今回の会話は、そんな季節にタイムリー(?)な「くしゃみ」。英語ではくしゃみをした相手に"Bless you!"と言ってあげる習慣がありますね。これはいつ頃から、どのようにして一般化したのでしょうか。また、自分がくしゃみをして、誰かに"Bless you!"と言われたら、どう答えればよいのでしょうか…?

Image credit: Allan Foster via Flickr. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

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(初級〜中級)*** It's a Good Expression ***


Bless you!

くしゃみをした相手に言うせりふ。May God bless you.(神様のお恵みがありますように)を縮めたもの。

I think it's just common courtesy.


the Middle Ages


You see.




a harvest


to accuse 人 of


They'd (they would) burn the 'witches' or would drown them



to possess


to feel awkward


It doesn't work.


*** Script ***

Saying "Bless You" When Someone Sneezes

M: (Sneezes) Excuse me.

W: Bless you!

M: Thanks.

W: No problem!

M: Hey... I've actually been wondering: why do English speakers say "God bless you" after someone sneezes?

W: Hmm...good question. I think it's just common courtesy, and a habit nowadays. But it originated from the Middle Ages.

M: Really?

W: Yea! You see, during the Middle Ages there were a lot of superstitions, and everyone was terrified of EVERYTHING. A village could have a bad harvest one year and they'd start accusing the women in the village of being witches. They'd burn the 'witches' or would drown them in the water. It was stupid.

M: Uh! That sounds...terrifying. I'm glad I didn't grow up during that time.

W: (laughs) Right! But basically, because of those silly superstitions, people feared that whenever someone sneezed the soul would escape, giving demons or evil spirits the chance to possess the body. Thus, people would say "God bless you".

M: Hey, I find it amazing how sayings can last for hundreds of years. When someone sneezes, Japanese don't say anything, huh?

W: No, they don't. I always feel awkward when someone sneezes because there isn't any translation in Japanese. "Hai, sumimasen, Kamisama no o megumi ga arimasu y? ni" It doesn't work! People will look at you like you're crazy. I say bless you anyways, because silence doesn't feel right.

M: Do people mean it when they say it?

W: Some people do, but a lot don't. Like I said earlier, it's more of a habit! 

(Written by Lauren Johnson)