Happy Halloween!! 今年もハロウィンにちなんだ会話をお届けします。


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(初級〜中級)*** It's a Good Expression ***


pepper spray


the best ... yet






Just so I'm clear:


to step up your game


to trip this switch


to deploy


to render + [O] + [C]




to have a good sense of humor


to end up


permanently disfigured


*** Script ***

A Halloween Prank

Situation: It's Halloween and Robert and Carla are setting up for their annual Halloween party.

W: And... done! The hallway decorations are done. This is gonna be the best Halloween party yet!

M: Yeah, I totally agree. And this year's prank is gonna be twice as spooky as last year's!

W: Hey, wait, wait, wait.... you're gonna do a prank AGAIN this year?

(Robert is drilling holes in the ceiling, and is setting up some strange thing.)

M: Well, yeah. You can't have Halloween without spooky surprises!

W: Just so I'm clear: this whole prank thing isn't gonna end up like last year's, when Lenny was hospitalized for 3 months, is it?

M: Of course not.

W: Good.

M: Yeah, I've stepped up my game from last year. Look: when the guests walk in the door, they'll trip this switch, which deploys a can of pepper spray! The can of pepper spray will spray them in their eyes, rendering them unable to see. Then, I turn off the lights and beat them up with this baseball bat!

W: OK. There are TWO huge problems with this "prank". First, why turn off the lights if they already can't see because of the pepper spray? Second, how is blinding someone and then beating them with a bat a Halloween prank?? Sounds like something you'd do to your worst enemy!

M: Oh, whatever. Someone like you could never understand. You never did have a good sense of humor with these things!

W: That's because someone always ends up seriously hurt and/or permanently disfigured! In fact, how are you not in jail yet?

M: Well, it might have something to do with the fact that I'm 12?

W: Oh, yeah!

(Written by David Shaner)