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18: A Rivalry (Momo and Carson)

M: Hey, Momo, check out these T-shirts I got us for the football game next week!

W: Hmm… they say “F-U-N-L-V”…. What? I know my English isn’t the best, but… funlv isn’t a word, is it?

M: Ha ha, it’s kind of a pun. Every year, there’s a football game called “The Battle of Nevada,” between UNR and the other big university in Nevada, UNLV. Whoever wins the Battle of Nevada wins the Fremont Cannon for the year and gets to paint it: blue for UNR and red for UNLV.

W: OK… so NOW I know why everyone’s so excited about the game. But I still don’t understand this shirt you bought me. How is.. Funlv a pun?

M: (sigh) So our enemy is UNLV, right? Do you know what F U means?

W: No…

M: It means… uh… it’s something you say when you’re really mad at someone. F… U…?

W: OH…. Ha ha. I get it now! FU Nevada- Las Vegas. FU NLV…Thanks for the shirt! F U N L V!

(Written by Jazmin Boulton)