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(15:36 9.0MB 初級~中級)Seeing Stars

*** It's a Good Expression ***


What are you up to?

= How are you?

※返答はNothing much.などと言う。


= 天文学

You can't believe they offer astronomy?

= (学校が)天文学の授業を提供(開講)しているのが信じられないの?


= 蟹座


= 山羊座


= 魚座


= 星占い


= 占星術

rotation of heavenly bodies

= 天体の回転

Reel it in a bit.

= Please make it easier to understand.


How to properly align and operate a telescope.

= 望遠鏡で照準を正しく合わせる方法

a meteor shower / shooting stars

= 流星雨

a play on words

= 言葉遊び

※ punとも言う。

to overlook

= 見逃す

Don't get your hopes up!

= 期待しすぎないでね

*** Script ***

(Slow speed) 04:45-06:55

(Natural speed) 12:45-14:30

Seeing Stars

M: Hey, what are you up to?

W: Oh, just my astronomy homework, it's pretty interesting.

M: Are you serious? Do they really have astronomy classes at this school?

W: ...What are you talking about? You can't believe they offer astronomy? As in the study of planets, stars, space, etc.

M: Wait, not that stuff... I thought it was about star signs, such as Cancer, Capricorn, and Pieces, and horoscopes and stuff?

W: (sigh) No, that would be ASTROLOGY...

M: Ohhhhh. I see!

W: And unfortunately people get those two confused a lot!

M: I mean, really, what's the difference?

W: Are you serious? Astronomy is based on science. And through it, scientists have been able to calculate amazing things, such as the mass of stars and planets, the distance to the nearest galaxies, the rotation of heavenly bodies!

M: OK... reel it in a bit.

W: Sorry, I just think it's really, really interesting!

M: Well, what are you studying about right now?

W: How to properly align and operate a telescope. Tomorrow night we're supposed to look at the moons of Jupiter!

M: Wow, sounds cool! Hey, maybe you can teach me more about this kinda stuff... I hear there's a meteor shower this weekend!

W: Is that so?

M: It is so. And I hear those can be particularly romantic. So, maybe I can bring a couple of blankets this Friday? And you can show me some shooting stars?

W: I'm going to overlook that horrible play on words and kindly agree to your offer. Actually, I WAS looking for someone to watch the shower with.

M: Well then, it's a date!

W: Hey, don't get your hopes up!

(Written by Matthew Bola)